Thursday, April 16, 2009


Apparently, I had one too many songs in my "I Hear Voices" gadget and it was causing an error on my blog--thus preventing anyone from accessing it. So I deleted all the songs. (Poop.)

It seems to be somewhat of a problem for me since I am not able to listen to my MP3 player at work either due to the docking station running out of batteries. I thought I'd save money and take the cheap way out. I guess it doesn't pay.

I am tired this week. I became really emotional during my supervision with my boss when speaking about how co-workers take advantage of her leniency, the Wednesday night class was especially out of order, my chronic neck pain has been more evident this week, my knee has been bothering me, I've been fighting feelings of loneliness, my job has been even more demanding, I've come to a resolution regarding an old friend that doesn't make me happy, I miss my dad, I seem to have reached my max of weight loss, I'm turning 40 this year, and I'm still single.

I guess it's too much to ask for someone to love ask me how my day was when I come home. Someone who is truly interested in me and what I'm feeling. Someone who notices when I change my hair, wear a new outfit, buy a new watch--yes, buy a new watch. *smile* A friend of mine from work noticed that I had on a new watch the other day. Who notices that? Still, I thought it was sweet. *smile* "I'll bet he is a good husband," is what I told my friend. She agreed. He just recently got married. I have a feeling I will never marry. I think this week is also a week for me coming to terms with that. What if God doesn't bring a man into my life. I'm letting go of that longing. I don't want to be heartbroken.

Been longing to listen to Maria's been awhile.
Oh and I've lost contact with one of my oldest friends. It seems she has disappeared and hasn't left a forwarding number. I've called and texted, leaving messages, but it may not even be her number anymore. I hope she's all right.

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