Thursday, April 23, 2009


Okay so I will start from today and go backwards...

This morning started as every other day, except that i called my boss to see if she wanted to meet at the nearby, downtown Covina Starbucks to grab a caramel macchiatto upside down before work. (She did.)

About an hour or so into my work day, she called to ask me to come to her office. As I walked down the hall towards her office, as began to knock on her closed door, a co-worker mentioned that that Erika, the clinic manager was in with her. Once inside, I knew something was up. Erika's first words were, "it's not as bad as it looks." Then went on to say that the company had decided to eliminate all the Human Resources and Facilities Assistant positions (5 total). There was about--literally--two seconds of, "gasp, wha...?!" before my composure was restored and I was reminded of when my spirit was quickened (more than once in the past few months) that 'they were phasing me out'. In fact, I even mentioned it previously to my boss and roommate as the new HR section of the "self service website" was being implemented and parts of my job description was being taken away. mom being given a package a month ago was still fresh on my mind. (So I knew.) Erika went on to say that ther would be one position opening in El Monte at the Administrative Offices that I could apply for, however the pay or details were unclear. The only details given were that there would be flexibility in the schedule and it would end no later than 5:00 pm. There would probably be an office and the facilities part of my job would be removed. Another perk would be that the HR Administrator who knows me and I have found favor with would be one of the interviewers. The alternative would be...remaining at the Covina clinic and going back to being a receptionist, take a minor pay cut, have a mandatory late day and have to deal with strong personalities. Another alternative was...Medical Records. However, the dynamic in that department would not work well for me. Another option was for me to apply for the Site Administrator position that was open at the Commerce site. To me, that one is out of the question because I feel so inadequate and unqualified. Perhaps in the future after I am trained in each department. Both my supervisor and the clinic manager were very generous, stating that they didn't want to see me go but that they would support me if I decided to apply at El Monte and they would give their recommendation. Both of them went up to bat for me with the Vice President of the company to see how much they could offer me to remain at Covina. Also, if I stay at Covina, I would retain some of my "facilities" duties. My boss stated that she couldn't sleep the night before because she knew they had to meet with me, yet hadn't heard a dollar amount from the VP. I was told to weigh the pros and cons. The effective date for the elimination of positions is May 8th or 9th. I've decided to apply for the the HR position at El Monte and just trust that I am in God's hands. In the event, I am not chosen out of the 4--I found out that the HR/FA from the Margarita Mendez site isn't applying--I will be able to transition into the receptionist position at Covina. So...that's that. Again, I am not worried. I have total peace. Praise God.

I finally watched the movie, Fireproof the other evening while I was alone. At first, I thought the acting was somewhat amateurish, but then as the movie progressed, I became more enraptured in the plot. There were moments when the tears just flowed as I seemed personally affected by the love dare. And I'm not sure if I was touched because I yearn to have a husband driven by love in the way Kirk Cameron's character was, or that I just long to see astray loved ones turn their hearts back to the Savior who invented the "love dare". We have no idea of how many ways the Lord chases us down with His love--and at such great lengths!

My Spanish word for the 19th:
pelearse, verb
to quarrel
Many Spanish reflexive verbs, such as pelearse, do not involve the idea of the action reflecting back on the actor. You just have to remember that they are different from English.Siempre nos peleamos cuando hablamos de política.We always quarrel when we talk about politics.In the past tense, pelearse often means to split up with someone you were dating.Se ha peleado con la novia.He’s split up with his girlfriend.Or more generally, pelearse can mean to fall out with somebody.Se ha peleado con todos los amigos.He’s fallen out with all his friends.

perder, verb
to lose; to miss
Perder, to lose is a basic word which it’s useful to know. It covers the meaning of physically losing something.He perdido el monedero.I’ve lost my change purse.And also losing in a more abstract way:Está intentando perder peso.He’s trying to lose weight.Perdimos dos a cero.We lost two nil. If you miss a train, bus, plane, and so forth, perder is also the word you use.Si pierdo este vuelo, tendré que quedarme un día más.If I miss this flight I’ll have to stay another day.Notice how the -e of the stem changes to -ie in the previous example.

pertenecer, verb
to belong to
Pertenecer is another basic verb. You can use it to refer to things which belong to somebody:Este reloj perteneció a mi abuelo.This watch belonged to my grandfather. Or to talk about people belonging to an organization, club, and so on.No pertenezco a ningún partido político.I don’t belong to any political party.From pertenecer derive the adjective perteneciente, belonging:los países pertenecientes a la OTANcountries belonging to NATOand the noun las pertenencias, belongings, as in this headline:Última sobreviviente del Titanic vende sus pertenencias para pagar gastos médicos.The last survivor of the Titanic sells her belongings to pay medical bills.

So my Spanish doesn't seem to be as fruitful as it could be and I may need to enroll in a class. Being bilingual would help with the cut in pay.

This weeks lesson/teaching with the kids turned out to be really fun. I taught on Revelation (more specifically, the seven bowls of wrath after the rapture) and I think the kids actually got it. It is times like this when all the other frustration and feelings of inadequacies are worth it. I am inspired once again in my ministry/service.

This week has been such a blur and I haven't even done the walk yet. I am complelled to do this Walk For Life relay at Azusa Pacific University. I was told by my friend at our Corporate office that the company would be sponsoring me for $100. But now, with all the job eliminations, I'm not so sure.

Well, I need to get to bed since I have to be up at 5:30. I have no idea why I am up. I guess I just wanted to blog since I haven't even have time to check my emails or really be online mush this week.

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